Saturday, June 4, 2011

Today is one of my rare Saturday free day and I am so going to blog about the musical events that happened in May.
Starting with Fresco Harmonica Charity Concert which was held on 1st May, yes Labour Day :)

Well, I don't play harmonica instead, Taylor's Symphony Orchestra was invited to become the guest player for this concert.
Hence we reached uni in the afternoon for sound check and rehearsal purposes though the concert started at 7pm.
Uh oh, got to meet JXiang, YShun, PYang, BSim, Brian and SWei in this concert...
Yeah, they were playing for Fresco Harmonica too :D
Thanks SWei in helping us in the performance.. Haha...

Harmonica is nothing new to me as I've watched their performances since I was in Form 2...
What interests me in the performance was the harmonica players don't need music stand throughout the show!
Yes, they memorised it! O_O
Still, Air Brass and other orchestra instruments players were good enough and that, there were only a member or two for certain instrument!

Next, we went for supper at Boston Sunway after show and guess what, JXiang once again overwhelmed us by his gigantic appetite!

You'll never get bored nor stop laughing if he's around xD


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